At work, we just had a major database upgrade go-live and everything really seemed to click with a few exceptions. This was the most concerning complaint we received:
I felt I needed to complain to you that [the system] is working too fast now. Before today, when attempting to change to another screen or when searching within [the system], I could kick back, stretch the arms a bit, maybe take some time to get to know my neighbor or even take in a quick movie before the data would appear for me to continue working.Not today, though, it was flying from screen to screen and I was worried that I was going to get so much done that I wouldn’t have to work the afternoons. LOL
Seriously, I have seen a huge difference and just want to say thanks. I ran 2 […] reports today. They were done right away as well. In the past when they were done running that fast, we’d see the word “failed” so I was skeptical when clicking to open it…..and there was the info I was looking for.
Anyway, nice job. Thanks!
[Happy User]
That made my day.