Today is Emma’s first birthday. One year ago today, we stayed up all night after some Gears of War 2 Horde rounds to welcome the youngest of our daughters into the world. Emma wasn’t as early as Payton, but she was about a month early so, once again, it was a little scary. This past year seems like it has gone by so fast. I can’t believe she’s one year old already.
Emma is a such a bundle of joy. She always smiles, loves cuddling, and giggles a lot. She’s quite a bit different than her big sister so it’s exciting to watch them grow up. Her birthday will always be special since it marks the day our family became whole (no more babies for us).
Happy Birthday Emma!

AWESOME!! First birthdays rock. And though I’ve got three kids, I don’t have any pictures of them with gaming peripherals. Shame on me.
Sweet. Happy B-Day cutie.
I’ve got three boys and a girl on the way, so I know how special 1sts can be.
Dude, how can she hear anything with the headset unplugged?
@HedgeHogAJ: n00b mistake. she’ll learn 🙂