Category Archives: gaming

Gaming contains posts about gaming related topics. Game reviews, interesting articles and sites about gaming, or my gaming experiences will be found here.

New Borderlands Trailer and Achievements

Check out the awesome new trailer embedded below and also browse the achievements for Borderlands. I was hoping for more oddball achievements but there are a fair amount of secret achievements so maybe those are the oddball ones. I’m looking forward to a game with Randy Pitchford to pick up this one:

Play in a co-op game with either an employee of Gearbox or someone who has this achievement

However, if I manage to pick that one up, it will most likely be for the “or someone who has this achievement” though I’d just like to play with Pitchford to pick his brain (or any developer for that matter).

My wife (FoxxyLadie) told me to order whatever game I want for my birthday, which coincidentally is the day after Borderlands’ release date, so naturally I pre-ordered it. I can’t wait for this game. Hopefully we’ll see a bunch of new stuff coming from PAX.

Borderlands Gameplay Montage[Game Trailers]
Borderlands Achievements[Xbox 360 Achievements]

We’ve Moved!

Since my wife has joined the scene, we’ve decided to rename our blog and give it a bit more focus. She came up with the name “Trigger Happy” which we both liked but unfortunately, squaters are holding for a $70,000 ransom. Considering we’d have to take out a second mortgage (and then some) to snatch that domain, we decided to go with for practically free in comparison.

So here we are at!

Old links and feeds will still work so nothing needs to be done on your end unless you don’t like seeing the old domain. Happy Fragging!

You Suck

This is too damn funny:

The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth

I’ll admit, I’m not that great of a Halo 3 player, but neither are half the people I go down in a blazing glory with. Yet every time my team mates are just a bunch of useless whiners making up all kinds of excuses for their poor performance. Yes, there are a fair amount of cheaters and level boosters, but there aren’t nearly as many as I hear complaints about. You suck at life Halo, get over it.