Tag Archives: gaming

I’m Prepared to Drop

I’m so pumped for Halo 3 ODST right now its not even funny. It runs wild tomorrow and my copy should be delivered tomorrow thanks to Amazon’s release date delivery. What’s odd is they waited until today to ship it with 1 day shipping. You’d think it would be more cost effective to use slower shipping and ship it on Friday or something especially since it only costs $5.98 for release date shipping. Anyway, I keep watching the live-action trailer, mouth watering with anticipation. I can’t wait any longer!

Vidmaster Challenge: Annual

Arguably one of the most difficult achievements Halo 3 has to offer is the Vidmaster Challenge: Annual. I’ve never had a big motivation to try it since its 0 points and I don’t really care about getting Recon armor, but a bunch of people at Co-Optimus have been looking for help. I figured I might as well give it a try, so Saturday night, Erika and I joined up with Bakken Hood and husky trooper and gave it a try. Actually our first attempt was with Bakken Hood and DSiJanCarlo but it was so embarrassing we won’t talk about it. We did take one thing from that failure though, do not try the grenade jump shortcut. Its a waste of time and extremely frustrating.

With husky trooper, we managed to get up to the top of the structure without too much trouble. It took two tries to kill the tin can but only because I got too close and he launched me off the bridge with his wind attack. On our way out our own deployable turrets took us out a few times (note to self: destroy turrets before going inside). Husky trooper informed us to clear the ice path before getting the ghosts, that probably saved us quite a bit of time. The part that took the longest was the final stretch where you’re racing to the ship while the Halo is falling apart. After a TON of respawns we finally made it to the ship. We probably would have had better luck if Erika and I hadn’t been lagging so much.

We had some pretty amusing moments. Being killed by our own turrets multiple times made us laugh every time. There were also a few jumps that we completely missed. The one that cracked me up the most was when I clipped the wall while going off a ledge because my ghost turned to auto-aim at a flood enemy. I rolled out of my ghost which stayed on the ledge while I flew off the ledge along with my team mates (note to self: turn off auto-aim).

At the end, it was a fun hour and 37 minutes. I’d do it again if anyone needs help. I must warn you though, the two of us aren’t the greatest on the ghosts!

Vidmaster Challenge: Annual

  • Vidmaster Challenge: Annual
  • Date Earned: Sunday, September 20, 2009
  • After 9/25/08, completed Halo on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and everyone in Ghosts.

Vidmaster Annual Success[Bungie.net]

To The Losers I Played Last Night

We played a match of Social Big Team – Neutral Assault against a team of eight level 45-50 generals/brigadiers last night. We got slaughtered. I have a message for them:

You are lame. Plain and simple.

If you get a kick out of joining up with eight equally lame friends and exploiting extremely unfair flaws in a map so the other team instantly dies after spawning for 15 minutes straight during an objective game, you need to see a shrink. There is something wrong with you if you think that is fun. You could have won the game in a couple minutes by picking up the bomb and planting it in our base a few times. I even would have forgiven you for T-bagging us a few times. I don’t understand why you would want to put your balls anywhere near another man’s face but that’s at least a little more normal. But no, you carried on slaughtering us as we spawned until we left after seven minutes. I’m not sure why we attempted to put up with it that long but that’s not the point. The point is, SEEK HELP.

On a better note, while waiting for one of the next matches to start, one of the kids on the other team felt he needed to share that he figured out how to identify noobs…

You want to know how to tell if someone is a noob? If their weapon of destruction is the battle rifle, they’re a total noob.

Right… We then slaughtered their team 100-68. The funny part is four of them had BR as their tool of destruction. It’s really silly to label a weapon as a noob weapon. Obviously it is a good weapon and players do well with it, so why would someone pass up a good weapon for an inferior one? I think that kid just sucks.

I can’t wait for Halo 3 ODST and Borderlands. Not only because they’re both kick ass games, they’ll give us a break from the obnoxious kids that play Halo 3. More on those games soon.

Game with the Lame Generals
Game with the Noobs

Announcing XBL Accept

XBL Accept is a command line program that runs on most Linux distros. It might run anywhere you can run python but I’m not much of a python programmer so I can’t be sure. Basically, all this tiny app does is connect to Xbox Live and it accepts any pending friend requests. This is perfect for groups who want to be able to meet up but don’t want to add everyone to their personal list. The usual problem with group gamertags is that someone has to keep an eye on it to accept friend requests. Those days are over! Just run this from a startup script on a Linux server and forget about it. We’re using it over at Co-Optimus for a few gamertags.

XBL Accept is a modification of XBL Status by Chris Hollec. All credit should be directed his way for now. I honestly did not do much to his program in order to get this up and running. If you’d like to contribute to either project, let me know!

Hit the link below, check out the README for prerequisites and instructions on how to run it. If you have any questions, reply to this post for now. Maybe I’ll set up a page in the future.


New Borderlands Trailer and Achievements

Check out the awesome new trailer embedded below and also browse the achievements for Borderlands. I was hoping for more oddball achievements but there are a fair amount of secret achievements so maybe those are the oddball ones. I’m looking forward to a game with Randy Pitchford to pick up this one:

Play in a co-op game with either an employee of Gearbox or someone who has this achievement

However, if I manage to pick that one up, it will most likely be for the “or someone who has this achievement” though I’d just like to play with Pitchford to pick his brain (or any developer for that matter).

My wife (FoxxyLadie) told me to order whatever game I want for my birthday, which coincidentally is the day after Borderlands’ release date, so naturally I pre-ordered it. I can’t wait for this game. Hopefully we’ll see a bunch of new stuff coming from PAX.

Borderlands Gameplay Montage[Game Trailers]
Borderlands Achievements[Xbox 360 Achievements]