I’ve always wondered why my wife seems to attract a lot of trash talk and haters on Xbox Live. Hawty McBloggy has cleared it all up for me:
Tag Archives: gaming
You Suck
This is too damn funny:
The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth
I’ll admit, I’m not that great of a Halo 3 player, but neither are half the people I go down in a blazing glory with. Yet every time my team mates are just a bunch of useless whiners making up all kinds of excuses for their poor performance. Yes, there are a fair amount of cheaters and level boosters, but there aren’t nearly as many as I hear complaints about. You suck at life Halo, get over it.
Borderlands… Can’t Wait
Just give it to me! This game looks fantastic. Releases Oct 20th on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. More info at Co-Optimus and the Borderlands website. My only beef is you can’t go online with splitscreen! It should still be a ton of fun though.
Raising a Healthy Gamer
Video games seem to have such a bad rep when it comes to kids. There has always been a lot of a lot of controversy over ESRB ratings, violence, language, and addiction. Most of that friction comes from parents who have no experience with gaming, have no interest in gaming, or has a child who they think is addicted to gaming. Parents who take the time to understand gaming and its effects are much more prepared to help their kids have a good experience and probably learn something from gaming. Yes, you can learn a thing or two from gaming. This quote is pretty powerful and sums up my response to any parent who opposes video games for their kids.
What was ultimately reinforced for me is a simple truth that all the legislation and media hand-wringing often misses: if a parent isn’t doing their job, then no law will fix that. Don’t worry about understanding the newest study or crunching numbers on the latest gaming statistics: if your gut says your child isn’t old enough for a game, or that they’re playing too much, listen to it.
Hit up the link for a great article:
Raising a healthy gamer: seven tips for parents – [Ars Technica]
Thanks to txshurricane for the article!
A Letter to Sam, You’re a Serious Heartbreaker
Dear Serious Sam,
You’re coming to XBL Arcade, so I should be ecstatic right? After all, you’re one of my all-time favorite co-op shooters. They don’t get much better than you, when looking for an over-the-top shooter that is insanely fun. But, alas, Sam, you broke my heart with this news because while you are coming to my favorite platform with the new Serious Engine 3, improved graphics, and 4 player co-op goodness, you forgot about split screen! The old you wouldn’t have done this. You even had split screen on PC. PC!! I can count the number of split screen, co-op, PC games I’ve owned on one hand (and probably have fingers to spare) and you’re one of them! So why would you omit this legendary feature on a console where split screen really thrives?
Sam, I say this with great regret, even though you’re a mere $15 (1200 MS Points), I’m not going to purchase you on XBLA until you can prove to me you’re still worth it. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m married to a gamer, she likes playing shooters and I think she’d love you. But without split screen, we’re just not having it. I’m sorry, Sam. I guess this is goodbye until the other new Serious Sam title comes out, but since you’re built on the same Serious Engine 3, I’m not keeping my hopes up for split screen.
Missing You,