Today’s date is 7/7, that means it’s my favorite gaming holiday of the year. Bungie constantly recognizes how important the Seventh Column is to their success, but Bungie Day is a special holiday they created to highlight that recognition, and to say “thanks” by giving the community something special. This year is no different. Bungie teamed up with Rooster Teeth (makers of Red vs. Blue) to bring us this video packed full of Reach goodness:
Bungie Day has also become a day for communities to say “right back atcha.” While not exactly Bungie Day themed, Co-Optimus posted a Vidmaster Guide written by your’s truly. That’s my very first post at Co-Optimus!
Bs Angel asked for the Hawty McBloggy community to pitch in and help create a very special bungie day project. There’s a TON of goodies to go through there and obviously a lot of hard work was done to create that.
I’m keeping my eyes out for more Bungie Day goodness but haven’t seen any other notables yet. Happy Bungie Day! Thank you, Bungie, for bringing us such great games!
Eric is a software engineer and father of two, who's hobbies include video games, open source software, and just being a geek. Read more from this author