Four Years!

Today is our fourth anniversary. We celebrated this past weekend with a trip to The Domes in Milwaukee, and then dinner at Benvenuto’s. Both were incredible, mostly because of my lovely wife. Tonight, Erika surprised me with a candle lit dinner while the kids were playing in their room. It was incredibly sweet. These have been the best years of my life, and I’m looking forward to many more with my wife.

Photo of the Week – 11/7/10

Late again! I’m really bad at this. Better late than never though right?

Last week Erika dug up a bunch of older photos and re-edited them so there were a lot of photos to choose from. There are some good older photos but I picked a new one instead. This photo of Emma is so cute. She’s always making silly faces but capturing those moments is always difficult. I think this photo turned out great.

See Silly Girl at Flickr.

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