Update Your Bookmarks!

I’ve been holding on to BleedingChaos.net for years but I’m finally letting it go. If you still have a BleedingChaos.net page bookmarked, it’s not going to work after November 13th. If it’s a page on my blog, just change the “blog.bleedingchaos.net” to “triggerhappy.me” and it will work. If it’s some other page hidden somewhere, ask me about it (chances are I forgot about it). The old RSS will still work because it’s actually hosted by FeedBurner, and I’ve redirected it already.

If you’re wondering what the hell BleedingChaos.net is, it’s an OLD clan/guild site I set up for video games a long long time ago that morphed into several other entities over the years. I’ve had no real use for it for a while but it gave me a place to play with web design and applications. It will soon be gone, leaving TriggerHappy.me all alone.

Photo of the Week – 9/26/10, 10/3/10, and 10/10/10

It’s been a while since I’ve updated my site. There’s a good reason for it, but we’ll get to that later. For now, let’s catch up with Erika’s photography.

Week of 9/26/10

We went to the park down the road from our house where they have a really neat mostly all-wood playground. It’s almost like a little castle with slides, monkey bars, and all sorts of things to climb. It’s a great place to take the kids and also a great place for pictures. Erika got some adorable pictures of the girls and this is my favorite.

See Joy at Flickr.

Week of 10/3/10

It’s fall, which means beautiful colors and trees shedding their leaves. I fell in love with this great picture of the lighthouse at Asylum Point. It’s just gorgeous.

See Untitled at Flickr.

Week of 10/10/10

It’s a binary date! What better way to celebrate a binary date than with robots? Well I can probably think of some geekier things but robots are still really cool. Erika shows off her creative composition skills with this shot.

See Untitled at Flickr.

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